But I think I'm learning I am a city girl.
Sometimes it is annoying not having a car, I feel stuck sometimes but it's also kinda nice. I never have to drive. I never have to find parking or sit in traffic. I can walk everywhere and if I want to head south to visit friends I can just ride the train. It's pretty convinent.
Anyways. New city! SALT LAKE CITY!!!
Never ever thought I would move to Utah. Never ever thought I would say...
I'm loving living in Utah! But it happened! I moved here and I love it.
It helps that I live in Salt Lake and not some tiny farm town. And it helps that I am in college and have a community of young adults my age.
Last semester I was living in Hawaii loving life, going to school and the beach, it was perfect.
Till I started to feel like my time was up there, I had this feeling that maybe it was time to move onto something new.
I visited Utah in oct. for a few days and loved it. I returned to Hawaii and things started to feel wrong, I couldn't get into all my classes, graduation was pushed back a semester or two, my dating life was not going anywhere, I was feeling stuck and unsure and confused.
Then...I had this overwhelming feeling I was supposed to move to Utah!!! What the heck!!! Utah! Leave beautiful Hawaii with sand and ocean for freezing, snowing Utah?
Yup! It felt right! I got excited and sarted figuring out how I could do it. It was not my ideal plan but it seemed to fall into plans and I had a really good feeling. I was to move to Salt Lake City one feelings and faith, unsure of what was in store for me, not sure of what I was doing or where I was going in life, but I knew it was where I was supposed to go.
Beginning of January I arrived in snow filled Utah! My parents drove me up, took me shopping, and settled me in, and left. I was now alone in a new city. It was scary. It felt weird. I had moved to Ukraine the January before all alone and it felt liberating. Now I was not feeling the same way. I was so confused in my school life, in my relationships, I left all my best friends back in Hawaii and California and I started to doubt my decision to move. But literally just for a minute. And then it went away.
It has been a little hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I do not know what is in store for me this year. But I was sitting in my room and again the next day while I wondered around downtown I was filled with a feeling of peace.
It's okay Summer that you don't know what your doing. It's okay that you don't have your life figured out. It's okay that you're alone and confused. But...You are in the right place doing the right thing at the right time. Great things will happen.
I think the lesson I am supposed to learn right now is that it is okay to not be in charge. Let life happen. Have faith and trust in God.
So that is what I am trying to do.
Now let's talk about how great salt lake has been. It is cold and snowing and full of beauty. I walk the streets of downtown crushing the snow under my boots and feel at home. I have been missing my life in Ukraine so much and it's been so nice to be here in a snowing city. In a way it's better everything is written in English, and people speak English hahah. It's nice and comfortable.
My roommates so far are nice, they are young but sweet. No complaints so far. My classes at the Salt Lake Center are great, and I am loving my professors.
It is a little hard because I have so much free time I feel like I'm on this weird vacation. So it's a little hard to find the motivation to do homework.
I love walking down the streets, stepping around the ice and through the snow. Wrapped in my scarf and listening to a good playlist. It reminds me of the days I would travel and hour across the city to school every day in Ukraine. I miss Ukraine so much. I really hope I am able to go back someday to visit. But enought about Ukraine. More about Utah! I'm currently riding the train from Provo up to Salt Lake and passing all these fields covered in snow it is just so beautiful. A blanket of white for miles. It makes me want to make a snow man and snow angel!
Yes it is so cold here but I get to wear all my winter clothes that I haven't in forever and cuddle up by a fire and drink hot chocolate. It is so great to be here. I am unbelievebly happy right now. Lost but happy!
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